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Создание HTML форм. Форма входа и регистрации с помощью HTML5 и CSS3

DesignMaz have collected list of the best CSS /HTML Login Form Templates for Web Designers, Developers that they can download and use to create a form and most of them also have pre built HTML validation features as well as some option jQuery validation (like the Login /Register form with pass meter below).

Free Responsive Flat Login Form Widget Template

Free Responsive Flat New Login Form Widget Template for your websites. This Login form is designed using web technologies such as . It is completely free for download and can be use for your website or application sign in.

Forms Plus


Flat Form with Bootstrap 3

This is a flat modern css3 design based on Booststrap 3 Framework. Responsive design with multi-color multipurpose web forms with pure css3.

Responsive Static Login Form HTML5 Template

Free Responsive Static Login Form HTML5 CSS3 Template. You can download this HTML CSS Sign In Widget which can be used in you web projects.

Free Responsive Flat and Clean Login Form Template

A Responsive Flat and Clean Login Form HTML Template designed using web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3. You can free download and use for your website or application sign in.

Responsive Flat Purple Login Form Template

A free Responsive Flat Purple Login Form Template built with HTML5, and CSS3. It is completely free for download and can be used straight away in your website or app.

Bootstrap login with social buttons

Any Twitter Bootstrap developer will love these free Responsive Bootstrap login form template with social buttons . This Responsive Bootstrap login form template is a Simple and Clean login form website template base on Bootstrap 3.1.0 .

Easy to use the beautiful and colorful css login form for their own website. Simply insert into the existing CSS file and enjoy the new CSS login form . Created with rounded corners and nice look. It degrades nicely on older browsers, e.g. IE7 and IE8.

MetroLogin is a Windows 8’s Login form simulator that gives you this ability to make a login page for your website’s users or a login Page for your admin panel with a nice metro design.

Twitter Inspired Login Form – Jquery

This is a drop down login form similar to the one found on twitter. It comes complete with JavaScript , CSS and HTML . Just like Twitters login in form it comes with enhancements like tooltips and a compact login form and a clicked state button. It uses CSS3 to reduce the need for images and it degrades nicely in non CSS browsers. It has great browser support and works in most modern browsers and even older ones like Internet explorer 6 and 7.

This is clean and pleasant designed login & register HTML user interface with error handling and social buttons.

Clean and usable login & register form is for every developer. It’s very fast pure CSS . Error handling states, social buttons and forgotten password state is in there.

Zi-Popup Login Forms – Pure CSS3

Clean and usable login & register form is for every developer. It’s very fast CSS form with jQuery validation. Error handling, social buttons and forgotten password handling is in there. Bring to live with a jQuery.

Minimalistic Login/Register Form + Live Validation

Minimalistic Designed Login , Register and Forgot Template Forms Pack. Packed with jQuery Live Validation, 7 color styles, 3 different form size options, title animation, custom checkbox, tooltip hints and jQuery Error Handling.

Summer Forms – Login And Registration Forms

Summer Forms are coupled login and registration forms having a set of impressing effects bundled with the bright modern design. The flexibility of these responsive forms Summer Forms may be become the first brick of your new web site or may be just a replacement of your old forms . Every year the people get more exacting. The forms are well thought out and may satisfy any user.

Not so long ago, in order to achieve such effects, we used JS. But, now, CSS3 has all the necessary tools for making pop-up windows too.

Moon Forms – Login & Registration CSS Forms

Moon Forms are coupled login and registration forms having a modern design. The flexibility of these responsive forms allows placing it into any area on your site (like a widget, like a popup window, like a standalone page).

Tab and form developed by using only CSS3 , no javascript used. It is simple , clean and browser compatible. Very Easy to implement on any kind of website.

Features a large collection of form styles that are used regularly in websites. You get Search Forms , Login Forms , Contact Forms and General Form styles. Further all these forms are available in Dark and Light coloured versions, so you get a total of 224 form styles! The login , contact and general forms also have focus and validation error styles defined in the css.

Form Framework that strikes a balance between simplicity and elegance.CSS3 Responsive Forms kit is simple, clean and fresh modern form pack develop using bootstrap .

Day/Night Login Page

Day / Night Login Forms – has the net and unique design. In the kit you get 2 folder with 6 forms. In two colors white and dark. As in the kit includes 4 style buttons. Thanks to the Day / Night Login Forms developers can save time and money on developing the design. And the designers can see an example of the correct organization of layers.

Is a set of beautiful form elements. It has large amount of customized items, different color schemes, responsive grid system and allows you to create forms of any complexity and for any needs: login , registration , contacts , review , order , comment , checkout , etc.

Nice, clean and easy to use CSS3 login panel which 3 included color schemes.

Golden Forms – Responsive CSS3 Form Framework

Golden Forms is a simple and professional Form Framework that strikes a balance between simplicity and elegance. The framework is built with pure CSS3 + HTML5 (no images), features a clean consistent Form UI , responsive 12 column grid, and can be used to build any kind of Web Forms quickly whether simple or complex, without special CSS and coding knowledge.

– has a clean design and a powerfull 3D Flip Effect which give user a unique exprince and a fast way to complete the process . In the kit you get 1 psd file with 3 forms styes.

Responsive HTML5 – jQuery Sign In – Registration Form

Responsive HTML5 Sign In / Registration form , with jQuery effects and CSS3 customization.

Формы предназначены для пересылки данных от пользователя к веб-серверу. Формы в HTML могут состоять из текстовых полей и текстовых областей, флажков и переключателей, а также раскрывающихся списков. Все это — элементы формы. Каждый элемент служит для того, чтобы передать какое-либо значение сайту.
По своей сути HTML-форма — это веб-страница на которой вы видите области для ввода своей информации. После того, как вы заполните форму и нажмете кнопку отправить, информация из формы упаковывается и отсылается веб-серверу для обработки серверным сценарием (файлом-обработчиком). После обработки к вам возвращается в качестве ответа другая веб-страница. Следующий рисунок наглядно демонстрирует как работает форма:

Нет ничего сложного в создании HTML-форм. Самый простой способ получить представление о формах — это разобрать небольшой HTML-код, а затем посмотреть, как он работает. В следующем примере показан синтаксис создания простой HTML-формы:

Пример: Простая HTML-форма

  • Попробуй сам »

Моя первая форма:

Простая форма

Моя первая форма:


Формы вставляются на веб-страницы посредством элемента . Он представляет собой контейнер для всего содержимого формы, включая такие элементы, как текстовые поля и кнопки, а также любые другие теги языка HTML. Однако он не может содержать в себе другой элемент .
Для отправки формы на сервер используется кнопка «Submit», того же результат получится, если нажать клавишу «Enter» в пределах формы. Если кнопка «Submit» отсутствует в форме, клавиша «Enter» может быть использована для отправки.
Большинство атрибутов элемента влияют на обработку формы, а не на ее дизайн. Наиболее распространёнными из которых являются action и method . Атрибут action содержит URL, на который информация в форме будет отправлена для обработки сервером. Атрибут method является методом HTTP, который должны использовать браузеры для отправки данных формы.


Практически все поля для формы создается с помощью элемента (от англ. input — ввод). Внешний вид элемента меняются в зависимости от значения его атрибута type :

Вот некоторые значения атрибута type :

Ввод текста и пароля

Одним из самых простых типов элементов формы является текстовое поле, предназначенное для ввода текста из одной строки. Данный тип ввода текста установлен по умолчанию, а следовательно, именно однострочное поле отобразится, если вы забудете указать атрибут type . Для добавления однострочного поля ввода текста в форму следует внутри элемента прописать атрибут type со значением text:

Поле ввода пароля является разновидностью обычного текстового поля. Оно поддерживает те же атрибуты, что и однострочное текстовое поле. Атрибут name устанавливает имя поля ввода пароля, которое будет отправлено на сервер вместе с паролем, введенным пользователем. Чтобы создать поле для ввода пароля, необходимо задать значение password атрибуту type (password (англ.) — пароль):

Пример создания формы с полем для ввода пароля:

Пример: Поле ввода пароля

  • Попробуй сам »

Ваш логин:


Ваш логин:


Вместе с этим атрибутом можно использовать атрибут maxlenght , значение которого определяет максимальное количество символов, которые можно ввести в данную строку. Можно также задать длину поля ввода, используя атрибут size . По умолчанию, в большинстве браузеров ширина текстового поля ограничена 20 символами. Для управления шириной элементов новых форм, вместо атрибута size , рекомендуется использовать средства каскадных таблиц стилей (CSS).
Атрибут value задает значение, которое по умолчанию отображается в текстовом поле в момент загрузки формы. Введя в поле значение по умолчанию, можно пояснить пользователю, какие именно данные и в каком формате вы хотите, чтобы пользователь сюда занес. Это как образец, ведь пользователю гораздо удобнее заполнять форму, видя перед собой пример.

Переключатели (radio)

Элемент типа radio создает переключатели, которые используют принцип логического «ИЛИ», позволяя выбрать только одно из нескольких значений: если вы выбираете одно положение, то все остальные становятся неактивными. Основной синтаксис элемента-переключателя:

Атрибут name для переключателей обязателен и играет важную роль в объединении нескольких элементов-переключателей в группу. Для объединения переключателей в группу необходимо установить одинаковое значение атрибута name и разное значение атрибута value . Атрибут vаluе устанавливает значение выбранного переключателя, которое будет отправлено серверу. Значение каждого элемента-переключателя должно быть уникальным внутри группы, для того, чтобы сервер знал, какой вариант ответа выбрал пользователь.
Наличие атрибута checked (с англ. — установлен) у элемента-переключателя указывает на то, какой из предлагаемых вариантов должен быть выбран по умолчанию при загрузке страницы, если это необходимо. Данный атрибут может быть установлен только у одного элемента-переключателя из группы:

  • Попробуй сам »

Сколько Вам лет?

  1. младше 18
  2. от 18 до 24
  3. от 25 до 35
  4. более 35

Сколько Вам лет?

  1. младше 18
  2. от 18 до 24
  3. от 25 до 35
  4. более 35

Флажки (checkbox)

Элемент типа checkbox создает флажки, которые напоминают переключатели тем, что дают пользователю возможность выбирать из предложенных вами вариантов. Главным отличием от переключателей является то, что посетитель может выбрать сразу несколько вариантов, а сами флажки обозначаются квадратиками, а не кружочками. Как и в случае с переключателями, группа флажков создается путем назначения каждому пункту одного и того же значения атрибута name , однако каждый флажок имеет собственное значение. Основной синтаксис флажка:

Атрибут checked , как и в случае с переключателями, указывает, что данный флажок должен быть установлен по умолчанию при загрузке страницы. Данный атрибут может быть установлен одновременно для нескольких флажков группы.
В следующем примере использование флажков заданы несколько выбранных по умолчанию вариантов ответа:

Пример: Использование переключателей

  • Попробуй сам »
  1. Джаз
  2. Блюз
  3. Рок
  4. Шансон
  5. Кантри

Какие музыкальные жанры Вы любите?

  1. Джаз
  2. Блюз
  3. Рок
  4. Шансон
  5. Кантри

Кнопки подтверждения (submit) и очистки (reset)

Элемент типа submit создает кнопку, при нажатии которой происходит отправка браузером серверному сценарию на обработку данных, введенных пользователем в форму. Если создаем кнопку, очищающую форму, то присваиваем атрибуту type значение «reset» . Элементу типа submit может быть присвоен необязательный атрибут name . Атрибут vаluе используется в данном элементе для указания текста, обозначающего надпись на кнопке. По умолчанию в браузерах на кнопке пишется «Отправить» (Submit), если вас данная надпись не устраивает — введите ее самостоятельно. Поскольку в разных браузерах стили кнопок подтверждения могут отличаться, поэтому лучше самостоятельно настроить стиль кнопки, воспользовавшись средствами CSS либо использовать графические кнопки.
Создание кнопок подтверждения и очистки:

Пример: Использование submit и reset

  • Попробуй сам »

После щелчка на кнопке Reset происходит сброс любых введенных пользователем данных.

Атрибут action.

Главным для элемента

является атрибут action , который указывает обработчик данных для формы. Обработчик данных — это файл, описывающий, что нужно делать с данными формы. В качестве результата этой обработки выдается новая HTML-страница, которая возвращается браузеру. Другими словами в атрибуте action указывается URL-путь к файлу-обработчику на сервере (иногда называемого страницей сценария) для обработки формы. Синтаксис следующий:

Файл обработки находится на сервере mytestserver.com в папке namefolder и название серверного сценария, который будет обрабатывать данные — obrabotchik.php . Именно ему и будут переданы все данные, введенные вами в форму на веб-странице. Расширение.php указывает на то, что указанная форма обрабатывается сценарием написанном на языке PHР. Сам обработчик может быть написан на другом языке, например это может быть язык сценариев Python, Ruby и др.
Желательно всегда задавать значение атрибута action . Если форма должна передать значения на ту же страницу, где она расположена в качестве значения атрибута action укажите пустую строку: action="".

Атрибут method

Атрибут method задает то, каким образом информация должна быть передана на сервер. Выбор метода отправки формы зависит от данных, которые необходимо отправить вместе с ней. Здесь основную роль играет объем этих данных. Наиболее популярными являются два метода передачи исходных данных вашей формы из браузера на сервер: GET и POST . Метод устанавливается любой на выбор, и если вы его не указали, по умолчанию будет использоваться GET . Рассмотрим применение каждого из них.

Метод POST

Метод POST упаковывает данные формы и отсылает их серверу незаметно для пользователя, поскольку данные содержатся в теле сообщения. Веб-браузер, при использовании метода POST отправляет на сервер запрос, состоящий из специальных заголовков за которыми следуют данные формы. Так как содержимое этого запроса доступно только серверу, метод POST применяется для передачи конфиденциальных данных, таких как пароли, реквизиты банковских карт и другая персональная информация пользователей. Метод POST также подходит для отправки больших объемов информации, так как в отличие от метода GET , у него нет ограничений по количеству передаваемых символов.

Метод GET

Как вы уже знаете основная работа браузера — это получать веб-страницы от сервера. Так вот, когда вы используете метод GET , ваш браузер просто получает веб-страницу, как делает это всегда. Метод GET также упаковывает данные формы, но, прежде чем отправить запрос серверу, присоединяет их в конец URL-адреса. Чтобы понять, как работает метод GET , давайте посмотрим его в действии. Откройте в блокноте (например Notepad++) первый пример из этого урока (Пример: Простая HTML-форма) и внесите в HTML-код небольшое изменение:

т.е. замените POST на GET .
Сохраните файл под именем file_name.html и обновите страницу браузера (F5), затем заполните форму, например Вася Пупкин , и нажмите кнопку «Отправить». В адресной строке браузера Вы увидите что-то типа этого:


Теперь вы видите имя каждого элемента формы, а также его значение, прямо здесь, в URL-адресе.
URL-адрес отделяется от остальных данных формы символом знака вопроса, а имена и значения переменных разделяются знаком амперсанд (&) .
Этот метод нужно использовать, если вы не передаете больших объемов информации.
Этот метод не подойдет, если данные в вашей форме являются конфиденциальными, например хранят номер банковской карты или пароль.
Кроме того, метод GET непригоден, если вместе с формой вы хотите переслать на сервер файлы.

Группировка элементов формы

Элементы формы, связанные по смыслу, можно сгруппировать между тегами

. Браузер отобразит
в виде рамки вокруг группы элементов формы. Внешний вид рамки может быть изменен с помощью каскадных таблиц стилей (CSS).
Чтобы добавить заголовок для каждой группы, понадобится элемент , который задает встраиваемый в рамку текст заголовка группы.

We will style it using CSS3 and an icon font. The idea behind this demo is to show the user the login form and provide a link to “switch” to the registration form.

Note that this is for demo purpose only, it will only work in browser supporting the:target pseudo class, and you should not use this code on a live website without providing solid fallback.

In the following, we will be going through Demo 1.


In the HTML, we will put both forms, hiding the second one with CSS. Here is the code, I’ll explain some of the interesting parts later.

Log in

Sign up

We’ve added some HTML5 goodness here and used some of the new inputs. The input type=password automatically hides what the user is typing and replaces it with dots (depending on browser). The input type=email enables the browser to check if what the user entered has the format of a valid email address. We’ve also used the require=required attribute; browsers that support this attribute will not let the user submit the form until this field is filled, no JavaScript required.
The autocomplete=on attribute will prefill values based on earlier user input. We also used some nice placeholders for the inputs that will show some guiding value when the input is not filled.

Now the two tricky parts. You might have noticed the two links at the top of the form. This is a little trick that will make our form behave nicely when playing with anchors, so that it won’t “jump” on long pages when we click on the switching link and trigger the:target pseudo-class.

The second little trick is related to the use of the icon font. We will be using a data-attribute to display the icons. By setting data-icon=”icon_character” with the according character in the HTML we will just need one CSS attribute selector to style all the icons. Read more about this technique on 24 Ways: Displaying Icons with Fonts and Data- Attributes .


For the clearness of the code in this tutorial, I will omit all the vendor prefixes, but you will, of course, find them in the files. Once again, I’m using some pretty advanced CSS3 tricks that might not work in all browsers. Let’s get started.

Styling both forms using CSS3

First, let’s give our two forms some general styling for the container.

#subscribe, #login{ position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 88%; padding: 18px 6% 60px 6%; margin: 0 0 35px 0; background: rgb(247, 247, 247); border: 1px solid rgba(147, 184, 189,0.8); box-shadow: 0pt 2px 5px rgba(105, 108, 109, 0.7), 0px 0px 8px 5px rgba(208, 223, 226, 0.4) inset; border-radius: 5px; } #login{ z-index: 22; }

We’ve added a nice box shadow that’s made of two shadows: an inset one to create the inner blue glow, and an outside shadow. We’ll explain the z-index in a bit.

In the following we will style the header with some background clipping:

/**** general text styling ****/ #wrapper h1{ font-size: 48px; color: rgb(6, 106, 117); padding: 2px 0 10px 0; font-family: "FranchiseRegular","Arial Narrow",Arial,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; padding-bottom: 30px; } /** For the moment only webkit supports the background-clip:text; */ #wrapper h1{ background: -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, rgb(18, 83, 93) , rgb(18, 83, 93) 20px, rgb(64, 111, 118) 20px, rgb(64, 111, 118) 40px, rgb(18, 83, 93) 40px); -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; -webkit-background-clip: text; } #wrapper h1:after{ content:" "; display:block; width:100%; height:2px; margin-top:10px; background: linear-gradient(left, rgba(147,184,189,0) 0%, rgba(147,184,189,0.8) 20%, rgba(147,184,189,1) 53%, rgba(147,184,189,0.8) 79%, rgba(147,184,189,0) 100%); }

Note that at this moment only webkit browsers support background-clip: text , so we will create a stripped background only for webkit here, and clip it to the text to add the stripes to the H1 title. Since the background-clip: text property currently only works in Webkit browsers, I decided to go only with the webkit prefix. That’s the reason why I split the CSS declaration into two parts, and use a webkit prefixed gradient only. Only using the –webkit- prefix is bad practice, it’s only for demo purpose, and you should never do this on real a website! That’s also where the -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent comes in handy: it enables us to only have a transparent background on the webkit browsers, all the other ones will ignore it and give us the provided text color fallback.

We also created a fading line under the title with the help of the:after pseudo-class. We use a 2px height gradient and fade the background to 0 opacity at both ends.

Now let’s style our inputs and give them a nicer look.

/**** advanced input styling ****/ /* placeholder */ ::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: rgb(190, 188, 188); font-style: italic; } input:-moz-placeholder, textarea:-moz-placeholder{ color: rgb(190, 188, 188); font-style: italic; } input { outline: none; }

First we style the inputs, and remove the outline. But be careful here; the outline helps the user know which input is focused, so if you remove it, you should provide some:active and:focus states for the inputs.

/* all the input except submit and checkbox */ #wrapper input:not(){ width: 92%; margin-top: 4px; padding: 10px 5px 10px 32px; border: 1px solid rgb(178, 178, 178); box-sizing: content-box; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px 0px rgba(168, 168, 168, 0.6) inset; transition: all 0.2s linear; } #wrapper input:not():active, #wrapper input:not():focus{ border: 1px solid rgba(91, 90, 90, 0.7); background: rgba(238, 236, 240, 0.2); box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px 0px rgba(168, 168, 168, 0.9) inset; }

Here we used the:not pseudo class, to style all inputs, except the checkbox. I provided a:focus and:active state, since I decided to remove the outline.

And now the fun part: the icon font. Since we can’t use:before and:after pseudo classes on inputs, we’ll have to cheat a little bit: we’ll add the icon to the label, and then place it in the input. I’m using the fontomas library which puts together some nice icons. You can rearrange them to set the icon to a specific letter. Remember the data-icon attribute? It’s where you should put the letter. I used data-icon=’u’ for user, ‘e’ for email, ‘p’ for password. Once I chose the letters, I downloaded the font, and used the fontsquirrel font generator to transform it into a @font-face compatible format.

@font-face { font-family: "FontomasCustomRegular"; src: url("fonts/fontomas-webfont.eot"); src: url("fonts/fontomas-webfont.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("fonts/fontomas-webfont.woff") format("woff"), url("fonts/fontomas-webfont.ttf") format("truetype"), url("fonts/fontomas-webfont.svg#FontomasCustomRegular") format("svg"); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } /** the magic icon trick ! **/ :after { content: attr(data-icon); font-family: "FontomasCustomRegular"; color: rgb(106, 159, 171); position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 35px; width: 30px; }

Yeah, that’s it folks, you don’t need to have a class for each icon. We used content: attr(data-icon) to retrieve the letter from the data-icon attribute, so we only have to declare the font, choose a nice color and position it.

Now let’s style the submit button for both forms.

/*styling both submit buttons */ #wrapper p.button input{ width: 30%; cursor: pointer; background: rgb(61, 157, 179); padding: 8px 5px; font-family: "BebasNeueRegular","Arial Narrow",Arial,sans-serif; color: #fff; font-size: 24px; border: 1px solid rgb(28, 108, 122); margin-bottom: 10px; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0px 1px 6px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07) inset, 0px 0px 0px 3px rgb(254, 254, 254), 0px 5px 3px 3px rgb(210, 210, 210); transition: all 0.2s linear; } #wrapper p.button input:hover{ background: rgb(74, 179, 198); } #wrapper p.button input:active, #wrapper p.button input:focus{ background: rgb(40, 137, 154); position: relative; top: 1px; border: 1px solid rgb(12, 76, 87); box-shadow: 0px 1px 6px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset; } p.login.button, p.signin.button{ text-align: right; margin: 5px 0; }

The trick here is to use the box-shadow in order to create some extra borders. You can only use one border, but as many box-shadows as you want. We will use the length value to create a “fake” second white border, 3px wide, with no blur.

Then we’ll style the checkbox, nothing very special here:

/* styling the checkbox "keep me logged in"*/ .keeplogin{ margin-top: -5px; } .keeplogin input, .keeplogin label{ display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } .keeplogin input#loginkeeping{ margin-right: 5px; } .keeplogin label{ width: 80%; }

We will style the bottom of the form using repeating linear gradients to create a striped background.

P.change_link{ position: absolute; color: rgb(127, 124, 124); left: 0px; height: 20px; width: 440px; padding: 17px 30px 20px 30px; font-size: 16px ; text-align: right; border-top: 1px solid rgb(219, 229, 232); border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; background: rgb(225, 234, 235); background: repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, rgb(247, 247, 247) , rgb(247, 247, 247) 15px, rgb(225, 234, 235) 15px, rgb(225, 234, 235) 30px, rgb(247, 247, 247) 30px); } #wrapper p.change_link a { display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; background: rgb(247, 248, 241); padding: 2px 6px; color: rgb(29, 162, 193); margin-left: 10px; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid rgb(203, 213, 214); transition: all 0.4s linear; } #wrapper p.change_link a:hover { color: rgb(57, 191, 215); background: rgb(247, 247, 247); border: 1px solid rgb(74, 179, 198); } #wrapper p.change_link a:active{ position: relative; top: 1px; }

Now you’ll notice that we’ve got two nice forms, but we really want only one to show at a time. So now is time for some animations!!

Creating the switching animation

The first thing to do is to hide the second form by setting the opacity to 0:

#register{ z-index: 21; opacity: 0; }

Remember that our login form had a z-index of 22? We will give the second form a z-index of 21, to put it “under” the login form.

And now the really good part: switching the forms using the:target pseudo class. What you really have to understand about:target, is that we will use anchors to make the transition. The normal behavior of an anchor link, is to jump to the target in the page. But we don’t want to jump anywhere, we only want to switch the forms. And here comes our trick using the two links at the top of the page. Instead of directly linking to the second form, and risking getting a “jumping” effect, we actually put the two links at the top of the page and give them display: none . This will avoid any page jump. Credit where credit’s due: I found this trick on CSS3 create (in French).

#toregister:target ~ #wrapper #register, #tologin:target ~ #wrapper #login{ z-index: 22; animation-name: fadeInLeft; animation-delay: .1s; }

So this is what happens: when we click on the Join us button, we trigger the #toregister. We then do the animation, by using the sibling selector ~ to find our #register element. We use an animation called fadeInLeft . Since we “hide” the form using zero opacity, we will use an animation that fades in, to make it appear. We’ve also changed the z-index, to make it appear on top of the other form.
The same happens for the other form.

And here is the code for the animation. We are using the CSS3 animation framework from Dan Eden and adapted it for this tutorial.

Animate{ animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-timing-function: ease; animation-fill-mode: both; } @keyframes fadeInLeft { 0% { opacity: 0; transform: translateX(-20px); } 100% { opacity: 1; transform: translateX(0); } }

The form that is “disappearing” will have another animation which will make it fade out to the left:

#toregister:target ~ #wrapper #login, #tologin:target ~ #wrapper #register{ animation-name: fadeOutLeftBig; } @keyframes fadeOutLeft { 0% { opacity: 1; transform: translateX(0); } 100% { opacity: 0; transform: translateX(-20px); } }

You can now use other animations from Dan Eden’s animate.css: just adjust your .animate class and replace the animation names. You will also find some custom animations at the end of the animate-custom.css file.

Well, that’s it folks. I hope you enjoyed the tutorial!

Please note, that in some browsers background-clip: text is not supported. In Internet Explorer 9 the transitions and animations don’t work, so there will be no fancy form switching. In Internet Explorer 8 and below the:target pseudo-class is not supported, so it won’t work at all (you’ll just see the login form).

Login form templates aren’t there just to look beautiful, they need to be simpler and more efficient to fill out. There are many ways to design login forms. But finding the right solution for the job can be a painstaking task. To help you create great looking login page templates quickly, here are some most interesting HTML, CSS techniques that you can easily follow. Just download the template source and test it all by yourself for free!

Free Login/Register Templates

Login & Register Form

Kill two birds with one stone… The form will switch from login to register, and back, based on if the user is already “registered”. Find “registered” users in the js panel.

A simple Login Form template with Flat UI…

Disqus Like Sign-in form

Slick login form with HTML5 & CSS3

A clean and simple login form template with a round submit button and elegant focus states.

Nice and Simple Login Form

A nice and simple HTML/CSS login form template. It uses wordpress’s login system.

CSS3 Login Form Template

An amazing css3 login form template with only html, css features being used. Download and use this as you like.

Flat UI Login Form

Animated Form Switching with jQuery

A simple animated form switch with three very common forms. The idea is not to leave the page when the user goes to another form but instead make the new form appear within the same container, expanding or contracting to the dimensions of the new form.

Slick Login Form With CSS3

A minimal and slick login form template using basic HTML5 and enhancing it with some CSS3 techniques.

Pure CSS Login Form

Simple and effective dropdown login box

In this article, you will learn how to create a good looking dropdown login form template using CSS3 and a bit of jQuery.

Login Form Template with HTML and CSS

Just a simple and flat login form template…


Flat UI Login Form

Custom Login Form Styling

In this tutorial we will create some modern and creative login forms using some interesting CSS techniques and HTML5 goodness.

Login Form with PHP, JQuery and CSS3

Creating an elegant login page using CSS3, Jquery + Ajax and processed by PHP.

Login/Register form with pass metter

Apple-like Login Form with CSS 3D Transforms

In this tutorial we will see how we can use the transforms to create an interesting flipping effect on an Apple-inspired form.

Login Form (Coded)

This freebie is a professional login form. The download includes the PSD file, and xHTML, Js and CSS files as well. You can use it in anyway you want. It involves some nice effects using CSS3 and javascript and I hope you enjoy it!


Login form using HTML5 and CSS3

This is an example how to create a simple login form using HTML5 and CSS3.

Login forms are everywhere on the web. Are you using the social networks? You must go through login form of some sort. Do you have an email? Did you join any forums? Did you try to leave a comment on a WordPress site? To gain access to anything on the internet, the chances are you will have to go through some sort of login process. You will probably have to register first, sign up or leave some information behind. You will have to use some sort of login form to do anything on the internet.

So what do Login Forms have to do with HTML and CSS? They are both the essential parts of the Login Forms.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a standard markup language used to create web pages. HTML elements are building blocks of all websites.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is a language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language. Such as HTML!

We use HTML to build a website and CSS to make it look nice. That is what most of the users encounter while browsing the web.

We’ve made a list of 50 free login forms that you can use on your WordPress site, blog, forum or anywhere else. This is a hand-picked list by Colorlib to ensure the highest quality of the forms. Each and every form has been thoroughly tested to ensure no components are missing and source code is available with every download. Of course, you are free to use these forms for personal and commercial purposes, with no need for attribution.

Explore 2.5 Million Digital Assets including 2019’s Best WordPress Templates

2M+ items from the world’s largest marketplace for HTML5 Templates, Themes & Design Assets. Whether that’s what you need, or you’re just after a few Stock Photos – all of it can be found here at Envato Market.


WordPress Login Customizer

The rest of the list and HTML/CSS powered login forms but here you can see the best login customizer plugin for WordPress. It comes with several defined templates that you can further tweak to match the design of your website. Thats to this plugin you can finally get rid of boring WordPress wp-admin page and create a truly unique experience for yourself and your users.


Creative Login Form

Simple yet creative login form created using HTML5 and CSS3. This form can be used as registration form as well. This is our favorite template on this list thanks to its flexibility and similarity that allows you to create

We did search the internet for cool login forms but it was very difficult to find good looking ones therefore we decided to have our take on them. We would like to present 20 login forms designed and developer by Colorlib team.

Login Form 1 by Colorlib

Simple, creative and vibrant login form with a gradient background. You can use this one for all sorts of intentions, like web, mobile or desktop applications. But do get creative with it if you like.

Login Form 2 by Colorlib

Minimal and sophisticated login form by Colorlib with a gradient button with animation and a logo. Use it, alter it and have it as a nice addition to your already nifty web space.

Login Form 3 by Colorlib

A gorgeous login page with a background image with shadow and a gradient form box with login button hover effect. The only limitation that you have is your imagination, so expand your view and use Login Form 3 to its full potential.

Login Form 4 by Colorlib

Creativity knows no limits and nor does Login Form 4. Here it is, at your disposal, ready and set for you to download it and put it to some good use. Do not worry about the responsiveness either.

Login Form 5 by Colorlib

Gorgeous, clean and modern form with an option to log in with Facebook or Google. All buttons have a nice hove effect that spices up the experience.

Login Form 6 by Colorlib

If your page is already super neat and tidy, a login form should be no different. Here is one that will easily meet your expectations if minimalism is your cup of tea.

Login Form 7 by Colorlib

A form with a three-way option of logging into the account. Either it is Facebook, Twitter or email login they prefer, this is the type of a tool that you need to feature on your page. And if they do not already have an account, you can also link it with your sign up page.

Login Form 8 by Colorlib

Another contemporary, trendy and enticing login form with rounded everything. This one is especially applicable to mobile users due to its currently very popular rounded corners style.

Login Form 9 by Colorlib

If you would like to avoid the white or single-color background, this is the login form page that you should consider. Not only does it support a full image background, but it also comes with a gradient overlay and an option to log in with Facebook or Google.

Login Form 10 by Colorlib

A somewhat complete opposite compared to the previous one is Login Form 10. It almost could not be more minimalistic looking while still having this up-to-the-minute feel to it.

Login Form 11 by Colorlib

With our collection of the best HTML5 and CSS3 login forms, you save yourself time and effort (money, too). Instead of building one from scratch, here is another killer ready-to-use template for you to employ.

Login Form 12 by Colorlib

Image background with a blue shadow overlay, name, image and the must-have form, that’s what’s up with Login Form 12. There is also a cool hover effect on the login button and gives you a chance to link it with your registration form for all new users.

Login Form 13 by Colorlib

A split screen sign up form, where one half is dedicated to an image and the other half to the form. It is a free tool which you can start using this very moment. Just download the layout and go full tilt with it.

Login Form 14 by Colorlib

In this collection, we have a mixture of simplistic and those a tad more complex and advanced login forms. In short, there is something for everyone and Login Form 14 is more on the minimalistic side. But why even complicate with a login form, right? To each their own.

Login Form 15 by Colorlib

While still keeping things to the bare minimum, one cool addition to the Login Form 15 is the image banner just above the form. With this little feature, you can make the experience slightly more engaging.

Login Form 16 by Colorlib

This is a login form with a full-screen image on top of which is placed a form with username and password fields and a gradient button with hover effect. Simple and straightforward.

Login Form 17 by Colorlib

To make it appear more personal, this framed login form template is the best fit for you. It has an image side and a form side but keeps things to the very minimum while still ensuring professionalism.

Login Form 18 by Colorlib

If you like to differentiate yourself and keep things original, do consider using Login Form 18. While some enjoy login pages super basic, the others want to have some additional goodies rocking the layout. And if adding a picture is what you are after, this one is for you.

Login Form 19 by Colorlib

Vibrant, energetic and attention-grabbing, that is what this next login form based on HTML5 and CSS3 is all about. It is also fully responsive and mobile-ready, as well as compatible with all major web browsers.

Login Form 20 by Colorlib

Gradient background, black sign in button with hover effect, username and password fields along with custom text and “Forgot password?” section, yep, that’s all part of Login Form 20. Sounds overwhelming but in reality, far from it.

The form is hidden unless you click on “Login” option. Really great feature for modern websites that want to avoid having a separate page for the login form. You can display the form anywhere on your website with this powerful tool.


A design for a Sign Up form using tabs and floating form labels.


What was initially made to stop people from entering one person’s WordPress site, it became a really popular form due to its simplicity and neat design.


Flat Login – Sign Up Form

Once you click “Click me” button in top-right corner, you will get smooth animation that transforms this Login form to Sign up form.


Login With Self-Contained SCSS Form

This is a form with self-contained SCSS. An extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language. It allows to use variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more.


This is actually an animated Login form, with top “Hey you, Login already” transforming into the form at the bottom. Smooth animation effects.


This is an example on how to create a simple login form using HTML5 and CSS3. This form uses pseudo elements (:after and:before) to create the multi page effect. These elements are rotated using the CSS3 transform property. This form uses HTML5 to make validation and submission easy.


Once you enter a wrong password in this form, a nice shake effect will warn you that you did not enter the correct password. A simple and effective solution that will point out the problem of incorrect passwords.


A boxy login form with a little surprise. Try “admin” as a username, and “1234” as a password, for full experience.


Neat little login form. Once you click on “LOGIN” on the left side, animation effect creates neat little login form on the right. Definitely unique approach!


Material Design Form

Fairly simple and easy on the eye login form that you can add to your blog or any other website and spice up the experience. No need to overcomplicate with a simple thing as the login form is. Even if you are just collecting subscribers, you can also play around with this layout and get things rocking.


Bootstrap Snippet Form

Obviously, this next free HTML5 login form is based on the well-liked Bootstrap Framework. This tells you that you can expect some nice flexibility that any modern website and element must practice. Email address, password and a check box to tick if a user would like the platform to remember his or her information. Easy and to the point.


Regardless of your main web design, with things like login forms, you do not want to over complicate it. Instead, you would want to keep it simple and let it to the job, getting users to access their accounts seamlessly. You will achieve that goal with this login form with flat UI unquestionably.


Trendy UI Kits Form

From super simple login forms to those with slightly more action going on. This particular one is pretty similar compared to the last one just that you will notice a frame going all around the form. Get them to type in their names or usernames and passwords and they can enter your world of amazingness.


Dashboard CSS3 HTML5 Form

All the HTML5 and CSS3 login forms you find on this list are simple to use and effortless to attach to your web platform. This one even has a “Forgot your password?” right at the bottom for everyone who just cannot recall their passwords. The template is perfect for entering your dashboard, but you can apply it for other needs, too.


Login With Recovery Form

The title pretty much says it all; this is a neat, clean and minimal looking login form with recovery. What you also notice is that there is no traditional “box” that you are used to seeing login forms use. If you would like to make a difference, you now know which layout to choose.


A free flat login form with a stunning and elegant dark layout coupled with a green call-to-action button. Sure, you can alter the tool to your likings, but you can also employ it exactly as is and have it live on your website in a snap. Play around with its features and have it all set up the way you like it.


Transparent Login

Even a login form can be of super creative and attention-grabbing nature. While many stick to the simple and basic look, there are others who like it special and exclusive. This transparent login form will surely do the trick for you. With an image background and a form over it, this layout can follow your branding to a T.


No need to be really going too in-depth with this next login since it is pretty self-explanatory. It is compatible with the Google Chrome extension, as well as features buttons for those who are not signed up yet or lost their password. If this is the one you were looking for, then scrolling all the way this far was more than worth it.


Elegant Flat Form

A stylish flat form which you can append to your web space as a pop-up or ad as a widget on a page. Whatever the case, it will keep your professional approach intact. It is simple and easy on the eye and also has a CTA for everyone who missed signing up to your members’ area. Use it as is or improve it according to your taste.


Definitely an approach to a free login form that you should not miss. It has a feel of a coupon just that it is not if that even makes any sense. Anyhow, in the text section, you can also link this form to the signup form for those interested in creating an account. Other than that, it surely will capture their attention.


More and more website owners are implementing social logins and you can join the trend as well. This free login form with social integration is the right option to take the plunge. However, along with Twitter, Facebook and Google+ buttons, the layout also features the traditional way of signing up with an email.


If your password is super complex, you sometimes just want to enter it in a “show” mode. Offer this same feature to all your users with the show and hide password login form. It has a stunning dark layout with green details perfect for those who dig this type of designs. Of course, feel free to make changes to it and fine-tune it according to your needs.


Log ‘N Load Animated Form

If you already practice animations and special effects on your page, keep the trend with the login form, too. Instead of creating your own one, you can simply use this striking Log ‘N Load animated form that will do the trick. Once you hover over the login button, the form reveals right in front of you. It even has a circular loading that enhances the experience.


This flat, modern and easy to use login form works great on all devices, mobile, tablet and desktop. You can also play around with different tweaks and alter the default settings to your website’s style precisely. The tool also has cool hover effects that add a touch of sophistication to the overall experience.


A free HTML5 and CSS3 login form with a bright layout that will get your login section sorted out in full. Add this widget to your page, activate it and let all your users and members enter their accounts. Warm colors, “remember me” section and a title along with email and password fields, that’s all you need.